Comprehensive Practical Chemistry for Class 12 | Latest Edition Science -

Laxmi Publication Comprehensive Practical Chemistry for Class 12 | 2025-26 Edition

  • Publisher : Laxmi Publication
  • Author: Dr. N . K. Verma
  • Edition: 2025-26
  • Availability: In Stock
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  • Rs.354
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  • Description :

    Comprehensive Practical Chemistry for Class 12 2025  edition  as per  NCF  syllabus PRESCRIBE by NCERT 
    1.    Introduction to Basic Laboratory Equipment
    2.    Surface Chemistry
    3.    Chemical Kinetics
    4.    Thermochemistry
    5.    Electrochemistry
    6.    Chromatography
    7.    Preparation of Inorganic Compounds
    8.    Preparation of Organic Compounds
    9.    Tests for the Functional Groups Present in Organic Compounds
    10.  Study of Carbohydrates, Fats and Proteins in pure form and detection of their presence in given food stuffs
    11.  Volumetric Analysis
    12.  Qualitative Analysis

    1.    Study of Oxalate Ion Content in Guava Fruit
    2.    Study of the Quantity of Caesin present in different samples of milk
    3.    Preparation of Soyabean milk and its comparison with natural milk
    4.    Study of effect of Potassium Bisulphate as food preservative under various conditions
    5.    Comparaitive study of the rate of fermentation of various food materials
    6.    Extraction of essential oils present in saunf (Aniseed), Ajwain (Carum) and Illaichi (Cardamom)
    7.    Study of Adultrants in food-stuffs
    8.    Preparation of an alum from Scrap Aluminium
    9.    Study of the effect of metal coupling on the rusting of Iron
    10.  Preparation of Rayon thread from filter paper
    11.  Dyeing of Fabrics
    12.  Sterilization of water with Bleaching Powder
    13.  Setting of Cement
    14.  Study or presence of insecticides and pesticides in fruits and vegetables
    15.  Comparative study of Commercial Antacids
    16.  Study of constituents of an Alloy

          Appendix - I
          Appendix - II
    Logarithmic Tables

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